Been a JC student, after getting their results,
they are very excited in taking up University Courses.
Whether is it studying in Local University or Private,
they JUST wanna keep a place for their favourite or desirable courses for their future.
But, very often, when we are choosing from so many different degree options in a university, we all hope that we can take up more than one option.
True ??
Today, in my post,
i want to introduce a very familiarized University in Singapore.
You may have came across or heard the name before through either your friends or family members: Kaplan

(*Hint: the highlight has been circled in red)
Kaplan offers a range of degree courses from Marketing studies to Computer Science.
They are not afraid of losing YOU to become one of their member(student).
Among one of the courses Kaplan has offered,
Murdoch University has come out with DOUBLE MAJOR degree.

What is Double Major ??
A double-degree program, sometimes called a combined degree, conjoint degree, dual major, dual degree, or simultaneous degree program, involves a student's working for two different university degrees in parallel, either at the same institution or at different institutions (sometimes in different countries), completing them in less time than it would take to earn them separately. The two degrees might be in the same subject area (especially when the course is split between countries), or in two different subjects. - Wikipedia on double-degree
here's a question for you to think through:
if you have this opportunity to choose between the lists of double major degree programmes that Kaplan offers, how best would you use this skill to advance your life's goals?

My answer:
I'm currently a year3 Polytechnic student when the new semester begins on April16.
I do have plans to further my studies in taking degree courses.
But, i guess, it will be a different course from what i've been studying currently in poly.
I'm taking an IT course in poly, but i'm thinking of taking up business degree.
I know it seems different but i will put in double the effort in my studies.
Coming back to the major question.
After venting through the list of options Murdoch University has offered,
here are some of my DREAM courses which i'm interested in:
(all are Double Major degree)
- Bachelor of Science in Cyber Forensics, Information Security and Management and Business Information Systems (Double Major)
- Bachelor of Commerce in International Business and Hospitality & Tourism Management (Double Major)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Hospitality & Tourism Management and Public Relations (Double Major)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Hospitality & Tourism Management and Human Resource Management (Double Major)
- Bachelor of Arts in Tourism & Events and Human Resource Management (Double Major)
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Management (Double Major)
- Bachelor of Arts in Tourism & Events and Hospitality & Tourism Management (Double Major)
I know i seems greedy.
Your first reaction may be: WOAH!
Right ??!!
I know most of the courses are so-called 'hot courses' = popular courses among students/teenager/young adults in the 20th Century or some of us may call it the Y-Generation.
If you really want me to restrict and force myself to choose one degree,
i may go for Bachelor of Arts in Tourism & Events and Human Resource Management (Double Major).
Firstly, when i see the word 'Human Resource' i will not hesitate to link with cusotmer service.
Since young, i'm not very good in talking or speaking up when there's strangers around.
So, being able to talk and engage with strangers has been a difficult task for me.
But why human resource management ??
It's because human resource management (HRM, or simply HR) is the management of an organization's workforce, or human resources. It is responsible for the attraction, selection, training, assessment, and rewarding of employees, while also overseeing organizational leadership and culture, and ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws. - wikipedia
Not only that,
the courses offered for Human Resource Management looks favouring to me.
Like: Organisational Theory & Behaviour (i think i need the most)
Advanced Human Resource Perspectives (i don't know what kind of perspective we got to learn but it seems to be linking to human resource management)
The courses for Tourism & Events are attractive too
They have: Introduction to Travel and Tourism
Festivals and Events
and Events and Festivals Management
After equiping with ALL of these knowledge and skills,
i can excel my work in the HR industry - HR management
and be able to plan and organise exciting trips for travel agency - Toursim & Events
What's more,
with this 'special' knowledge i had through Murdoch University degree,
i can apply jobs easily.
Even if i don't get to have a job which is related to my degree course,
i could express my skills with my friends and family.
Now you can advance your life goals with Murdoch’s Double Major Degree and Masters programmes offered at Kaplan Higher Education on a full time and part time basis.
HEAD DOWN TO KAPLAN - Murdoch's Double Major Degree to view the list of choices and secure a place for yourself xD
You can also reach them through their FB Page
Or their wedsite, which i have the link at the beginning of the post(:
They have also come up with a flash mob to attract people over xP
Quote from the flash mob: 'Double your Major, Double your Future!'
Everyone says that we're SPOLIT with/for choices
but what i say is that I'M BLESSED with choices♥♥
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