What's Family to you ?
What's Relationship to you ?
What's Bonding to you ?
I really don't know what are all those for ?!
I felt like I'm not part of my maternal family anymore.
I really DO felt LEFT OUT from everyone, or was it just my own thinking ??!!
I've never cared about how they treat me when I was young as I know they still loved me, even though there's about 9 of us - my cousins, siblings and I.
I happened to came across my a post which I wrote a few years back and I wrote:
- I cant believe i actually lived in such a wonderful, bliss, joyful family♥
I wont demanded nor complained about my family. I really thank GOD for giving such a warmth and blissful family♥
I will never hide from my friends I will tell them straight in their face their i was born in a ♥"HAPPY FAMILY"♥

Do I still feel the warmth and love from the family ?!
Can I still TELL my friends how blessed I am to have a blissful family ?!
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