How's everyone's chinese new year ??!!
Was it full of fun and laugther, or full of GAMBLING like i am xD
In 3days time, it will be the end of CNY):
It also means that we have to wait for the next cny which will fall around mid-Feb 2013(am i a genius xD)
Anywhere, during the new year festive season, the most 'arduous' part is
NEW YEAR PASTRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New Year Pastries will make me heaty and it may also cause pimples and ulcers):
Which also means = $$ on pimple cream/gel and ulcer 'treatment'.
But luckily,
the next few im gonna share is a few yummy 'delicacy' which i had during cny,i guess some will only be sold during cny period.
(its ok, you still have 3days to try out)
First up is a longevity dish from Sakae

The sushi is made of raw prawn, some cucmber, seaweed and a bit of wasabi (my favourite (x )
Forgot what's the price but its really delicious if you're a wasabi plus raw food lover(:
Last weekend, i've decided to be a good daugther to follow my parents to have breakfast.
Reason being my brother wasn't at home,
he went over to my dagu's place to stay over for a night
thus, we can go out to have a 'peaceful' night and breakfast xP
Its been awhile since i had my meals over in either Tampines Mall or Century Square.
Back then i was craving for the minced pork noodles over in Century Square, B1.

Its really yummy especially the mushroom are super juicy and sweet.
Beside that, if you ordered a set, which comes with either coffee or tea with either fishball noodle or minced pork noodle,
it's more worth it.
It only cost $4.50 (or was it $4) per set for the above items mentioned.
What i love about the place is that the deco on the wall are all the 'happenings' back then in the 1980s or 1990s.
Its really a nice place which feels like a coffeeshop but is in a shopping mall.
You may wish to come over to 'experience' the taste of the minced pork noodle yourself.
Its located at B1, next to Jack's Place, in Century Square(:
During CNY, you will definitely have the following dish:

YU SHENG, also known as LOU HEI.
In total, for this year's cny,
i had 4 yusheng.
Heard from one of my friend, she had 6 for this year's cny.(SHOCKING)
And last but not least,
Here's wishing all a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!
Enjoy the last 3days of festive season.
Wish you guys will win the TOTO prize of up to $10M and those who are gambling during cny.
During this kind of atmosphere,
we like to say this word:
(not sure what i means but i know it means good luck)
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