I cant recall the name of the hotels or some of the veunes that i've went
Do be prepared that i will have a lot of 'i forgot what's the name' or other lines.
Cant find my travel plan list, i think should be somewhere in the rubbish dump.
Was having a test on the 16th, the day im off for my 9D8N Thailand trip.
Was panicking all over when im working on my test.
I remember i told 40mins to finsih the paper & rushed off like a mad dog back to my place to get changed & off to T1.
Everything was on schedule as what i've planned but the only 'glitch' is the plane was delayed by about 15-30mins.
When we were about to reached Thailand's SUVARNABHUMI airport,
the flight stewardess distributed lovely orchids to all passengers.
Is it lovely ??!!
Will be staying in a Hotel somewhere near Suvarnabhumi airport as will be taking a domestic flight to our scheduled destination, Udon Thani, Northern-East of Thailand.
My verdict for this hotel is that its comfy the only bad thing i dont like is there dont have the slippers and extra pillow):
I always have to take the extra pillow to be my bolster.
Board on the plane at around 9.15am, Thailand Time
We are going to Udon Thani, Thailand.
Someone wrote a poetry on the air flight book
The first veune, we went, is the Friendship Bridge between Thailand and Laos.
There is also an agreement between both countries and Australia.
This is my proof for walking the entire half of the Friendship Brigde.
The next veune we went is more of like a Buddha Sculpture kind of park.
Cause the entire park was full of different kind of Buddha.
WIP - Work-In-Progess to maintain the sculpture.
Look at how high the sculpture is
This is the most famous sculpture.
The Thais believed that, in the past, there's a Cobra protecting the Buddha in his journey to the West so most, or should i say 'ALL', the sculpture are paired up with a Cobra.
We went to stay in Prajaktra Hotel.
I can only tell you out of ALL the hotels we stayed thorughout the trip,
Prajaktra Hotel is the BEST!
Their room is definitely 5Star standard, in my opinion.
I really really recommend Prajaktra Hotel if you're touring Udon Thani.
If you would like to see more of my Thailand trip photos,
you can go over to the sidebar, on the left, click on my facebook tag to view all the pictures(:
P.S the reason why i say to go over to my facebook is because, im lazy to blog the rest of the trips xP
Have fun in understanding all the pictures i've took & the captions i've wrote
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