Hey people, im back to blogging.
I know its been more thann 10days since i last update my blog
But nevertheless, today's post will be a 'last minute'
CNY Shopping post(x
I promise this post will definitely be a tradition and 'blossom' of colors [even though mostly is red]
To benefit international readers [cause i know there's some reader from the States and Canada], i will explain briefly on the meaning of CNY - Chinese New Year.
CNY is a festive season AND holiday for the Chinese around the world.
It is a time where families get together to have a chat and etc.
This festive season is especially important to those who are working or studying oversea and didn't have much time to be with their family.
The most important date, for CNY, is known as Chú Xī (除夕) or "Eve of the Passing Year" or Chinese New Year's Eve, which is a day where Chinese families gather for their annual reunion dinner.
In China, it is known as "Spring Festival," the literal translation of the Chinese name 春節 (Pinyin: Chūn Jié)
If you want to know more about Chinese New Year:
Here's a link on wikipedia about CNY -
FINALLY, the MOST ANTICIPATED 'section' [for ladies xD]
Lets start, Shall We xP
HennesVal, previously is known as Deaffaire Damour, has opened their CNY Collection.

My favourite piece from this collection is their Auspicious Two-Way Dress in Cerulean
As it's one piece with 2designs.
They are having a promotion for this collection, all you have to do is to "Like" and "share" their Hennesval Oriental CNY 2 album to receive free normal mail.
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.362920963722679.107277.257852324229544&type=1Do a printscreen of your shared post and attach it to your payment details
to qualify for the discount!
You can check out their web page as follows:
HennesValOr their
FB page2.

Beaubello has lauched their CNY Colletion on 8Jan and most of the items are sold out [Sorry]
But there's still a few more pieces which you can grab.
Example the Floral Spag/Tube Dress.

This piece comes in Blue and Black.
What i love about this piece is that you can wear it as a tube dress or a shag dress
What's more, it comes with a FREE belt.
You can visit their web page:
BeaubelloOr their
FB Page3.
The White Alley
The White Alley is one of my favourite blogshop for the second half of 2011 as it brings in unqiue and simple pieces which is great for school, work or shopping.
Thw White Alley's latest colleciton - Collection 11,
is full of unique design prefect for CNY.
When people think of CNY clothes, they will definitely think of Cheongsam or Qipao.

This is one of my favourite Cheongsam for this colleciton.
They are going to have a mass meet-up on 21 Jan (sat), 4-6pm at 313 Somerset Coffeebean B1.
Isn't it convenient if you're afraid that your package maybe somewhere 'drifting'.
They have lots more design for both Cheongsam and Qipao, do check out their web page:
The White AlleyOr their
FB page for more giveaway or promotion discount vouchers

Gelliz and Thw White Alley are 'sisters' in the blogshop world
and both blogshops never fail to bring in unique design as mention for The White Alley.
For their CNY Colletion,
i presonally fall in love with their Dello Oriental Two Button Dress.

If you're not sure what to wear when visiting your grandparents,
Dello Oriental Two Button Dress works well just for you.
You can also check out their web page for more unqiue design
GellizOr their
FB Page for more promotion and latest updates.
Im quite new to this blogshop but their CNY Colletion is different from other blogshop (what am i saying, all blogshops ARE different)

I personally like their ORIENTAL LACEY DRESS.
It comes in orange and black.
What i like about it is the unique embroidery design on the dress..
They have also updated their
Sales page!
Head down to their webpage:
EscapanOr visit their
FB Page~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
That's all people.
Stay tune for my next post which i cant predict what kind of post i will update xD
The White Alley is having a CNY III giveaway.
All you need to do is to like their
FB Page, you can skip this step if you're their 'members'
Like & Share their CNY III Collection -