Have been busy with work lately, as you know
So, here's a part2 post on TWS = The Wholesale Shop @ City Plaza 03-130.
A few days back, i went to 'revamp' the storeroom
and found a lot of undisplayed belts.
Here's an update of the latest belts i've 'dug' out:
Waist Belt:

Individual shoots:

I personally like the grey waist belt
cause i don really like those belts which are too wide as it will 'terminate' and block the digestion.
The area where the waist belt is placed is actually the intestine area.
Once u wear a waist belt, if u wear it too tight area the waist area,
it will actually affect your digestion which will also affect you in losing weight.
Now, i will show you the back view of the waist belts.

Individual shoots:

Ribbon Waist Belt

Corset Waist belt
Next is a series of reversible belt:
Here is a white and black reversible belt

Left is a black reversible belt
Right is a navy blue reversible belt

Turn it over:
left is a dark blue while the right is caramel.

Next is a few belts:
A brown belt which can be turn into a lot of pattern
like the one shown below:
Its in a form of a infinity sign

Next is another reversible belt but there's 2 design to it
One is in a form of a ribbon, the other is a normal belt form as shown below:

Here's another belt:

After which is a few plaits belt
there's 3colors:
brown, white and navy blue&white.

Lastly, i dont know how to name these belt but i really kind of like it a lot for no reason xP
Probably due to its design that it can either be a belt or something else to accessorise your clothing(:

Now, its time for something else other than belts.
Do you know what it is ??

Its a makeup brushes pouch
but, on the package, its stated as pencil case.

So, its up to you whether you wanna take it as a pencil case or makeup brushes pouch.
There are 6colors available.

We also sell pearl necklace
but it comes in Triple pearl necklace.

If you're the kind of PUNK girl,
the following necklace will be of your liking(:

We do sell False EyeLashes

If you think of false eyelashes,
you may think of the eyelash glue.
Not to worry, we do HAVE it.

At first i thought it was gel liner, before 'exploring',
after which i found its actually fake eyelash glue xP
(this surely means that i DONT KNOW ANYTHING about fake eyelash)
We do sell both cracked & matte nail polish
Cracked nail polish is called Lucky Star
whereas Matte nail polish is from OPI

If you like to do mani,
you try this sophsicated nail design

If you're thinkin of buying a nail filer,
why not buy a 4-in-1 filer.

Have personally tried it & it does works as stated on the filer itself(:
(it may not work for all people)

These satin&colorful hairband is rather nice
just that i dont think most girls, in this generation/century, will wear it.
Scarf is the most convenient type of shawls,
(as what i've heard)
so, if you think that you're handbag is too plain & you want some vibrant and full of life, you can try adding up a scarf as an accessories for you handbag(x
Or you can also use it as a hairband

(This pattern is not sold in the store)

If you're those type of girls who likes Kawaii accessories,
here's a few choices for YOU

You can use it as a brooch, hairpin.


That's all we have under the Accessories category.
Shall update on the clothing, if i get to have sufficient time for it.
See you guys in my next post(x
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