So, all my relatives are invited to ahma place
thus, the noise level is up to the max, once again(x
Its been awhile since a weekend is so noisy in aham place.
Mostly is either mon or fri.
At the same time, ahma wasnt in Singapore but in Penang.
&i almost told everyone: "Ahma isnt here and we went to mess up her house!".
xD, which is true.
We had bbq for the birthday celebration, some ladies talk and wine session.
OMG, i cant believe i 'isloated' wine cause i don wanna get drunk again.
But, i did drunk breezer and vodka lemon xP
The bbq started from 6plus to 9plus going 10.
Seriously, we almost finished up all the left over food from ahma's fridge xP
During the 8-9pm session, it ladies talk(x
All our mums and together with us, their teenage girls, chat about facial and how to protect and prevent your skin from ageing.
Have learned a lot from qin and ahjie(x
Its a loving ladies talk, i love them much♥
After which, is wine session.
Yizhang grabbed a breezer and we shared among ourselves.
Next, qin went to open up a vodka lemon.
Next, and the final part of the event,
is the CAKE cutting session!
When the clock strike 10, which is the estimated/planned time,
the cake arrived.

These are the best picture i've taken using my phone xP
On the left is with the help of the living room light,
on the right is w/o.
Actually i wanted to take with the 'bouquet' of flowers
but, sadly, i cant find it after cutting the cake)x
Also took the birthday girl, shuang♥

On the left is taken before the cutting session,
on the right is taken before the family, cousins and singing the birthday song.
Seriously speaking,
shuang felt like a celebrity.
A lot of 'reporters'went over, with their camera/phone camera to shoot her.
&im a 'TODAY' news reporter xP
Shuang also brought along her polaroid camera.
In total, we took 5 polaroids.

Almost all ahma's grandchildren.
Qin's brother and my youngest sister 'didn attend' due to school commitment.
On the left is using my phone's fxCamera function
which is introduced by ahjie.
You can download if you're using android phone.
On the right is using my normal phone camera function.

Using the right pic,
shuang, me, qin, ahjie (clockwise starting from top left)

I cant believe i actually lived in such a wonderful, bliss, joyful family♥
I wont demanded nor complained about my family.
I really thank GOD for giving such a warmth and blessful family♥
I will never hide from my friends
I will tell them straight in their face their i was born in a ♥"HAPPY FAMILY"♥

Thank you♥
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