I really have to say that 'they' are too pro for me to catch up.
As, its been like...
3years since i lasted cycled my bike.
*not motorbike but bicycle.
I cycled from my place (which is Bedok Reservior Road) to ECP (which is East Coast Park).
Pro right ??
Hmm,,, maybe im not fit to be a pro.
Not like the 4 of them.
Early in the morning, met up with clinton & desmond to have breakfast.
But change of plan, as you-know-who dont like to dine in you-know-where...
So, called edwin to meet him & cycled together to ECP.
But, the most
when he SHOULD take a few mins.
You know why ???
Cause he's still in his room playing computer games.
Idiot... xP
After which, edwin brought us to the 'short cut' which he always cycled
whenever he's goin to ECP.
Went passed Siglap Road, Amber Road, Park Connector (not sure from where link to where), Victoria School, a few traffic lights & an underpass before reaching our destination, ECP.
Cycled pass a lot of places, including ,mac & coffeebean & also the Safety Park.
Its such a memorable place.
Every Primary 5 students will get to have a chance to be in the Safety Park(:
Subsequently, we finally reached our final destination(:

Carls Junior
We even have 'Special Discount' xP
As you-know-who works in Carls' Junior before and he saw his boss, who was still working at the point of time when we arrive(:
I super adored theie fries, it really makes me full w/o having to eat the burgers.
Their Beef Chili Cheese Fries is also the best(x
As for burgers, i ordered the Carls' Catch Fish Sandwich, same for Desmond.
Clinton had Westen Bacon CheeseBurger, super nice too(x
I think, even though its a bit expensive but its definately worth the price for such a 'huge lunch' for me(:
After that is,

Studying for CMath
where exam will commends 2weeks later.
Another study period on this friday.
We also planned a few plans for next week as Monday is you-know-who birthday(x
Sweet right, brithday falls on Valentine's Day(x
& we managed to finish '09 paper.
Leave ECP @6plus
& reach home @ 7.40pm(:
I really am treasuring this moment forever,
treasuring the times where a lot of my '1st time' to them(L
Here's a picture which i spotted while so-called 'daydreaming' in tutorial
After raining for 3 conservative days.

I even spotted a big&pretty raindow while my dad drove me to Braddell(:
Ohh, & lastly
Thanks to Clinton, Desmond, Edwin, Irwan, Wenting & Lennie for today(L
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