& i promised i'll post what happened on V day, for me
which is also known as Lonely V Day(x
Woke up slightly early & went to check my phone with 2new messages.
Cant remembered from who but its a 'plan' for irwan's birthday(:
which falls on V Day(x
Went to E!Hub straight & met up with hanny, clinton, desmond, edwin & also our birthday boy of e day, irwan(x in hanny's working place.
Clinton & hanny went to buy the cake&a very special kind of candles which i've never tried nor seen before.

that's irwan, in front of the cake, our birthday boy(x
You what's so special about the candles ??!!
Is that the candles were kind of the sparkler
once you blew off, which many of us out there thought the candle has been distinguished.
But, for these kind of candles, it didnt.
If there's a slight wind around the surroundings, the candle will lit up again.
Isnt it cool ???
Next person to try it is Lennie, which will be our birthday boy which falls on the first day of our class chalet(x
xD hahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahaha......
After the cake cutting, & everything,
Ohh,,, most imporatantly,
clinton almost burnt off the cafe.
All thanks to the sparkler candle xD xP

Went to watch JustGoWithIt!
Its quite a funny&hilarious show.
With a few ahemmm 'boobs' scene &etc.
Overall, the most 'work-out' person is edwin...
I rate this movie 4/5
This movie did give its audience the slightly emtional, true feelings scenes which made me fall for it.
as in, im super engrossed during the part when Adam Sandler&Jennifer Aniston looked into each other eyes & 'confessed' truthfully to each other on their good points, according to their personality(x
After which went back home to take a few stuff for my sister
& train down to Cineleisure for I Am Number Four premiere.

Thanks to Nuffnang for givin me this opportunity to enjoy this movie with the rest of the bloggers who had entered in the 'I Am Number Four blogging contest' (:
Below are the scenes which i like from the movie♥♥

Arent these 2scenes look super cool (x
Left is Number Four, right is Number Six.
Each has a special power to protect themselves from the baddies.

See my ticket...
Its FOC♥♥
Thanks to Nuffnang♥♥, again.
But there's something different when i received & entered the cinema.
1st: Why they didn tear away the left part of the ticket which they normally will ???
2nd: Why called the Cola Hall, just name it Hall9. Is that simpler to look for the hall ???

Rating: 5/5
Its the best motion/action movie i have ever seen for this year♥♥
Definately its a MUST WATCH if you asked me.
Even since i posted on my facebook,
my secondary friends are plannin an outing to watch 'I Am Number Four'.
So is clinton xP
Thanks guys♥♥
Here's a picture to end off my post:
My mum received it from her colleagues.

财神爷 'contains' 6 small pineapple tarts.
Haven tried it but the first look on this 财神爷 brightens up my day
as dont you think 'he' looks cute ?!?!