Hie,,,im back again!!!!
Let's think back,,,,
On e 15th,,,,
I've been to Changi Airport Terminal 3.....
Actually to mi,,it's okie la e design & everyting inside T3....
I've taken a lot of photos @ T3 but i nt nw but later...
I promise,,,i'll put e photos which i've taken in T3...
Which is juz nw,,,,
I've saw a minor accident happen nxt to e coffee shop near my hus,,,near Seng Siong (donnoi if i spell correctly xP)
But luckily,,,e motorist did ave any wounds & cuts
So,,,he's dame lucky as when e car crash or mayb bump onto e motor,,,
E bus juz went beside e motorist & we thought is e bus driver fault!!!!
But e motorist is reali dame so lucky la xD