Here goes~~~
This year CNY was a lot more meaningful for me as I don't get to celebrate this once-a-year occasion with my family last year. As i was attached to Shanghai for a Overseas Placement Project aka internship.
With a mind of delightful and proud, my CNY outfit was either red, cream or blue.
My favorite color was blue, even though blue doesn't really suits my 'theme', I still choose it due to favoritism

CNY Day 1:
A #OOTD picture first *only remembered to take for the first day, so sorry.

The 'Tan' sisters
I love to keep my outfit simple, so that I'm able to play around with accessories.
Since 'minimalist' has been a notable term for top notch designers and/or stylist, I gave it a try and turns out, my verdict from my sister was '还好' means ok - does it mean I fared below her 'standard' ??!!
My sister studies media and she got to deal with color coordination, therefore, she's our personal dressing adviser *haha
First destination was definitely the paternal grandparents, and my grandmother welcomed us with a excessive-pricy feast which you will only have during CNY.
Around mid-afternoon, we left for our last destination - ah sim place, which lasted all the past midnight.
Going past midnight during CNY has been a norm as, during this period, everyone will either be the 'gamblers' or legal 'loan-sharks'. *haha

A 'parade' of Yellow/GOLD team.

Red/Pink & white team
That's all for Day 1, now to Day 2.
Had a super nice sleep and we only started visiting during mid-afternoon cause the main 'actor' was the same-old-same-old gamble.
Here's the feast for the night:

Feast for lunch

2 different sets of 盆菜 for dinner

for 2 tables - Children and Adults table

For ALL CNY customs, how can we forget this:


Let me present to you our Chefs and assistants of the day.

My 三舅

Maid - Yati

My 二舅母 also the owner of the 'Gambling Den'

My Cousin - Shuang also the owner of the 'Gambling Den'

My 三姨 and her husband

This sum up a super short introduction to Day 2, now moving on to the last day of CNY.
Same thing as Day 2 but we got off early to prepare for something which I can't recalled.
Went back home to take a nap and went to maternal grandmother's house for dinner and gamble.
Our Chefs and assistants for the day

四姨 and cousin


This is what happens when you have a huge family during break