On 16th Novemeber, 3weeks from now, i was warmly inivited to attend cine65 Film Award Ceremory held in GV Grand, Great World City.

I was late and haven had my dinner.
But lucky there's BreadTalk & i bought a donut to kill the hunger.
When i walked into the theatre,
i was greeted with a brunch of friendly & helpful GV personals
Ask one of them to took a pic for me.
Sorry, if you cant see the words on the clipboard.
*Neither to i xD

The ceremony officially started when the Guset-Of-Honour, Mr Lawrence Wong arrived.

The one wearing light pink is Minister of State (Defence and Educaiton) Mr Lawrence Wong

& the host of the day was Chua En Lai.
He really is a funny man.
The entire event was enlighten up by him xD
Chua En Lai was taken using my aunt's camera while Mr Wong was taken using my phone.
Sorry for the blurry photo):
I dont have any camera beside my phone camera )x

&guess what.

He's so freaking cute & handsome.
OMG, but my heart didn melt away cause im not a fan to any idols or celebrities or any superstart.
But i admire their talents(x
Here's a pic on the prizes for all the winners for the night.
Each winner was not only given a trophy & a cheque
They were also given a
Canon Sony Camcorder which was sponsered by
Canon Sony.

Lets cut all the crap & jump to the winner list(x
Film Award - Student Category: (winner -
Best Editing:
- I am Singapore
- Key
- Helping Hands
- Homebound
- Year Of Independence (MV)
Best ScreenPlay:
- S.I.N.G.A
- Why Do i Keep Ticking?
- Project Home
- Key
- Minimart
- Long Ride Home
Best Sound Design:
- Why Do i Kepp Ticking?
- Why must ourselves depend Singapore
- Key
- Helping Hands
- Year Of Independence (MV)
Best Cinematography:
- Belonging
- Bonding Singapore
- Singapore River
- Old New Town
- Homebound
Best Art Direction:
- Key
- Belonging
- 2365
- Long Ride Home
- Year of Independence (MV)
Best Director:
- Key
- 2365
- Singapore Prata
- Long Ride Home
- Homebound
Film Award - Open Category (Winner -
Best Editing:
- Singapore Transformed
- MONOPOLY: Friends Forever
- The Team
- Where We Love is Home
- Story of a Foreigner
Best Screenplay:
- Ah Ma
- The Team
- No Place Like Home
- Brother
- You Can Take The Boy Out Of Singapore
Best Sound Design:
- Walking
- Singapore Transformed
- Home
- The team
- How i Grew Up With Singapore
Best Cinematography:
- Singapore Transformed
- Home
- The Team
- Story of a Foreigner
- Singapore Food Encyclopedia
Best Art Direction:
- MONOPOLY: Friends Forever
- Home
- The Team
- Where We Love Is Home
- You Can Take The Boy Out Of Singapore
Best Director:
- Champion
- Home
- The Home
- Where We Love Is Home
- You Can Take The Boy Out Of Singapore
Audience Choice:
Favourite Actor:
Student Category:
- Chong Yu Lun (The Miniature Singer)- Year Of Independence
- Ahmad Ali Khan (The Prata Store Owner) - Singapore Prata
- The Filipino - S.I.N.G.A
- Nicholas See (The NS Man) - Homebound with 898votes
Open Category:
- Brian Liau (The Singaporean) - You Can Take The Boy Out Of Singapore
- Muhd Farihin (Hakim, the skinny boy) - Home
Favourite Actress:
Student Category:
- Chin Shi Ying (Si Ling, The Sister) - Project Home
- Jacqueline Tay Bee Hong (The Mother) - Why Do I Keep Ticking? with 778votes
- The Little Girl - 2365
Open Category:
- Evalee Lin (The Big Sister) - Singapore Transformed
- Pearlynn Wang Li Xuan (The GrandDaughter) - Ah Ma

Favourite Actress - Jacqueline Tay

Favourite Actor - Nicholas See
Mr Wong is annoucing the Overall Best Film for both Open & Student Category.

The Team for Open Category
Nominees Are:
- Home
- Where We Love Is Home
- You Can Take The Boy Out Of Singapore
- How I Grew Up with Singapore

Homebound for Student Category
Nominees are:
- Key
- Singapore Prata
- Long Ride Home
- Year Of Independence (MV)

The group photo taken together with Mr Wong
Here's another Audience Choice award for Favourite Film is:

Long Ride Home with 1000+ votes
A difference of 10votes between the 2nd film.
After the winners' list, you guys should think im goona end here right
Nope, im not.
While i was attending the award ceremony,
there's a lot of good phrase and expectations from the judges who is also the award presenter for the night.
'What i look for in or what i think Best Director can keep the crew and cast happy no matter what'
'Best Cinematography should focus more on lighting and color contrast during filming.'
'What i look for in Best Art Direction is the looks and feel'
'Best Screenplay is the writer itself who can come out with a nice concept for the film.'
'Being able to be nominated for Favourite Actor and Actress should be someone who makes bubbly believe and makes something which you can believe in during filming.'
'As for Best Actress not only was she have to be beautiful and talented, her acting is about being in her role.'
im goona end here with a cathcy phase which belongs to Looney Tunes -

"That's All Folks!" xD
*Edited on 11Dec: My bad for saying Canon sponsered the winners.
Thanks to one of my readers for correcting me(:
Have my the neccessary amendments.
Should be Sony instead of Canon xP