After weeks of voting and judging by the judges,
the 10 winners in the 10 main categories
and 4 winners from the 4 sponsored categories has emerged, today!
Before i annouced the winners,
here are some of the details about this year's Singapore Blog Awards 2011(x
This year theme is about History Gets Social and we are encouraged to dress up in historial characters for the ceremony.
But sadly, i didnt as im not sure what to wear and how to doll up myself.
Another reason is this is my first time being invited, as a guest, to attend such a Huge event organised by OMY
I felt so honoured to be invited by OMY(;
Millions ♥♥s to you, ♥OMY♥
In the end, i chose a super simple clothing.
A spaghetti strap black tank tops with a blue boyfriend shirt as an outerwear
with a short-cum-skirt bottom.

Seriously, i cant made up my mind cause this IS MY FIRST EVER EVENT with OMY.
Previously did attend a few movie premieres from Nuffanag.
The first thing i thought to myself was, 'How am i going to survive an event full of "STRANGERS" ?'
Now, i can tell you the verdict: 'Keep yourself away from "STRANGERS". Dont act as though u know them even though, after all they are famous bloggers.'
There's one phrase which can be my evidence for this verdict:
My twitter post: 'i feel super lonely.'
Im a good girl who doesnt wasted any $$ on taxi.
Know why i say that ??
When i reached Shanghai Dolly, which is located at the end of Trader's Market, in between Tan Tye Place and River Valley Road.
Not far from Shanghai Dolly, there's a taxi stay whereby most of the guests and finalists walked towards the destination straight from the taxi stand.

Blue indicates the taxi stand
Red indicates Shanghai Dolly
Its not im 'complaning' or 'jealous' that they're 'rich' or something,
but i can say that i envious them.
I know, some may be asking 'For what envious them ?'
Well, to me, taking taxi means either you're late or you're lazy to take public transport.
& i will think 'Why dont u just get a license and buy a car which is even convenient than hailing a cab ?'
No offense to all who took taxi to the veune but this is just my point of view.
Going back to the actual topic,
i took public transport to Clarke Quay station, walked through Read Street,
you will come to a 'water playground' which is similar like bugis junction.

Walked further down, you will see a taxi stand, turn left walked further down to the end of the road and there you have it, SHANGHAI DOLLY.

Everyone was waiting patiently to get themselves registered as either a guests, by invitation or a finalist.
Took super lots of photos when i stepped into the hall.
But my camera had a lousy focus and the hall was slightly dark cause Shanghai Dolly was a pub thus the lighting were dimmed.
When i took the pictures, here's how it look liked:
This bottle of wine caught my eye from afar.
I forgot what are the words but its a best selling wine or something.
Even when hosts, GOH, performers were on stage, the pictures are still the same
as follows:
Need to invest on a good camera.
After registration, a beautiful lady gave me a lucky draw ticket, a booklet and a strap over my hand.

When i got in, i was attracted by the scrumptious food
and a waiter walked up to me and served drinks.
There's orange juice, cola, sprite and bottles of tiger beer.
From my perspective: the best beer is Carlsberg, not Tiger Beer xP
When i entered, i found a seat which is in a corner, not far from the stage
but was blocked by a wall.
When everytime there's someone on stage to receive the award or performance,
i need to walk a distance to find a perfect spot to snap the photos.
Once i got in, i just sat down on my place
and never move around, beside taking pictures and walking over to grab a bite.
You can say im 'being' isloated but i was enlighten when i saw ben and esther.
Both of them are my aspired bloggers, i was like a fan waiting to get a shot with them(x
After seconds, minutes and hours of anticipation, it paid off(x
Was overjoyed, ecstatic.
Words really cant expressed it all.
After so much of my first experience,
here are the 10 winners in the 10 main categories
and 4 winners from the 4 sponsored categories.
4 Sponsored Categories:
- Asus Best Tech Blog, sponsored by Asus which they are given an Asus laptop to try for a month: Elaine Chua - 随心随笔 Write On White.
- HTC Best Mobile Blog, sponsored by HTC which they are given an HTC phont to try for a month: Kevin Soh - Double Image
- Adonis Best Beauty Blog, sponsored by Asonis which will be crowned the Adonis ambassador of the year: Moonberry - The Moonberry Blog
- DEAL.com.sg Best Shopping Blog, which will be given $200 (or so i dont remember) to spend&blog about it: darren86 - Darren Bloggie
Next up, is the 10 Main Categories:
- Best Individual Blog: Ah Pou (阿宝) - 小熊物语-阿宝的日记
- GYSB (Get Your Sexy Back) Best Lifestyle Blog: Bing - Story of Bing
- Best What-the-Hell Blog: Aussie Pete - Like That Also Can
- Domino's Best Food Blog: Yiwei - 为食主义 Foodeology
- Best Photography Blog: Jerome Lim - The Long and Winding Road
- Best Y Bloggist Blog: Kirsten Han - funny little world
- Best Family Blog: Daphne Ling - Mother, Inc
- Best Fashion Blog: valyn lim - it's all about valyn
- Best Travel Blog: MSKY - 兩個人的旅行
- Best Social Media Integrated Blog: Eric Lim - therealericlim
There's 2 awards for both local and international celebrity
- HTC Most Popular Overseas Celebrity Blog/Microblog: Hebe - S.H.E
- HTC Most Popular Local Celebrity Blog/Microblog: Jeanette Aw
And there you have it, all the winners including their link.
Congrates to all the winners.
After all the winners had been annouced,
its the final part of the event which most events will have - Lucky Draw.
They have a lot to give away but my aim was the $20/$50 Captial Land Vouchers and teh Asus Lamborghini Razor Wireless Mouse.
They have 2 vouchers to give away and 7wireless mouse.
So zuper egg-cited.
In the end, i didn get the vouchers but there's still the Wireless Mouse.
I thought to myself 'If i didn get the mouse, i have to leave.'
Not becuase im upset or anything but i have a family dinner to attend.
When they have given out 4wireless mouse, i thought to myself, fingers cross,
'please let me win please let me win'.
Ohh, here's my lucky draw no.:0114 (go&buy 4D if you wan)

'0114', goes the sound, annouced by the MC.
I was astonished, i walked up the stage, holdin onto my ticket.
Received from the Asus Manager, i guess.
&walked back down the stage.
I really didn know i was so damn lucky.
After which, a worker told me to go over to the registration to sign a receipt.
SO, without hesitation,
i grabbed my bag and stormed out, with the wireless mouse on my left hand.

But still, its 'Made From China' DOTZ...
Still im ecstatic to have won such an 'expensive' wireless mouse(x
Thanks to OMY for inviting and Asus have such a wonderful 'door gift'.
Talking about door gift,
OMY have prepared a goodie bag for everyone.
Below are the goodie bag and the items(x

Left - Goodie 'Bag'
Right - the items.

A bilingual pamphlet from Adonis
Promoting their healthy drink

Gift Vouchers from various company.

Brochure from Get Shopping!

Gift vouchers from 1-Rochester Group
Right - One of the working partners.

A cup from Domino Pizza

A few souvenirs from Domino Pizza, OMY& Youth.sg
Once again, congrates to all 14winners.
Another Singapore Blog Award has just past and now everyone will get geared up and prepare themselves for next year's Singapore Blog Award 2012.
Hope i will get to have a chance to get invited and celebrated this special occasion with OMY and many more bloggers.

Guess what.
While im on my way back to Clarke Quay station,
saw a few photographers takin a photoshoots with an eurasian model

But the only thing i regert is not asking my sister to accompany me):
If you're still egg-cited or want to know more on the events -
You can check out SGBlogAwards website,here
After the entire afternoon, and night
finally finished up this post.
Now i can have a good night sleep
but i haven touched on my project.