Hi guys, i know its been a few weeks since i last updated
but, like i've said, i DONT HAVE THE MOOD TO BLOG ANYMORE.
Kinda feel like blogging isnt really part of my everyday life
'MY LIFE' isnt that
wonderful like everyone does.
'MY LIFE' is just a simple one:
- everyday goes to school/work
-> school if for fmo (freshmen orientation) planning
-> work is to gain experience & earn a few pocket money(:
- weekends will be holiday/off day for me & family day, too
That's currently how i 'live my life'.
But durin these
mundane life, i have met a
'tonnes' of friends
which, currently, made my life more brighter than usual(:
I guess, should be the best 'loads' of friends i ever had in school♥♥

Moving on to the
EXTREME EXCITEMENT part of my life(x
Okie, actually not my class outing,
but my follow FINALE DEP. OUTING♥♥
It doesnt really is 'outing' but just a usual lunch/dinner 'outing' xP
So, yeah, i got myself into the FMO planning which consists of 6departments.
& im selected to be in the Finale Dep. which im super happy as that's what i want since last tuesday which we had a post-FMO camp,
organised & planned by the EXCOs of SIT Club.
If you dont understand, just check out thier facebook link
hereSince lasted friday, which is my 1st day reporting to FMO planning,
there has been a lot of
agendas waiting for us.
So, have been staying back till 9pm in school to finish up all the agendas
cause we activated the '2359' code(:
Which means,
'HAND IN BY 23:59'Trust me, its definitely been a tough week but i know, for the rest of the departments, they are finding it very tough & hectic.
our aim is
MAKE FMO A SUCCESSThat's our guideline♥♥
Moving on to my
'work life'which pretty much wasnt very interesting but just wanted to share with you(x
Currently am looking for a part-time retail sale job
& at the first day of work, i was kinda of lost
as im not very familiarised with Chinatown
but, lucky my
'boss' came down to Chinatown MRT to wait for me(x
My workplace is located at Far East Square, not Far East Plaza, but Far East Square.
If you dont know where it is, its actually a 10-15mins walk from Chinatown MRT Station, if you're still not sure
& im working as a pushcart sale girl & mostly im selling toys from the
'famous' game in Iphone, its called
Plants VS Zombies & also other keychains&stuffs.
Here's the items which 'im' selling

But im not working there anymore,
but if you think the above items are cute or etc.
You can still go over to have a look & purchase from them too.
You can tell them my name if they randomly asked: 'How do you know this place' or 'How do you know what im selling'
Ohh, all the above items are imported from China & they do sell wallets&bags.
Moving on to IT FAIR.
Last sunday, i went down to Suntec with my family, excludin ahpig
as she's makin her cheesecake & till now i haven even
see it nor
try it
& its super pack, as usual, & do you know that its so pack that my phone's reception went
totally off TWICE.
I reached at about 4pm & the traffic congestion was bad,
so was the '
It was so bad that securitys were on partol to control
traffic flow human traffic flow.
My dad bought me a 8GB memory card for my phone(x
Also went over to 捧场 Clinton.
He was under South Asia company, selling Laptop, which im not sure what brand until he msg me on the day itself when i went over to look for him.
He's selling Asus Laptop, i know IT FAIR is over why do i bother to tell now
but AT LEAST, i
did say what i have to
sayThis is how it looks like @ 4plus.

Here's to end off,
FINALLY, with my brother's picture(:

Till my next post, see ya♥♥